Investing and Finance advising is a very successful field that endures many young people who are looking forward to living a life that brings them in a big paycheck. This paycheck will only be coming in the mail if you continue to make money for your company. Not everyone in the business world turns out to be successful. Though every person in the world has bad luck or struggles at some time during their career, keeping this downfall to a minimum is your best bet at keeping your job. Even the greats, like Warren Buffet and Peter Lynch went through struggles to get where they are now. The reason they became so rich is because their gains outweighed their losses by a lot. They made plenty of risks, just as all businessmen will during their career. That is what makes the big money in the first place, taking risks and making much more than you would of if you played it soft. Don't be scared to take these risks when your young either. Being young and restless gives you the advantage to go out and make the big risks without much to lose. When you get older and have more responsibilities like putting food on the table for your wife and kids, you won't be able to make the same risks. I want all you young investors to live by a statement that I try to live by everyday.
"Think Big, Win Big"
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