The definition of an alternative investment according to Wikipedia is an investment product other than the traditional investments of stocks, bonds, cash, or property. You know...the traditional investments that we have been spoon fed for most of our life and the traditional investments that many of us lost our shirts on during the crash of 2008/2009.
The first type of alternative investment that comes to mind are precious metals and if you read anything that I post on my blogs you know I give you example after example after example from the experts in the field of why you should at least consider owning precious metals. Especially since they are still are relatively cheap; even when trading at the most recent high's of close to $42.00 for silver and $1476.00 for gold.
While not too long ago it was hard to purchase smaller units of these commodities, today you can find reputable companies where you can buy smaller amounts of both silver and gold. And yes, there are plenty of reputable companies out there that will allow you to purchase precious metals with your retirement funds without penalties for that conversion.
The mystique of alternative investing is starting to be put to bed by investing experts such as Kip Herriage and trends forecaster Gerald Celente. If you follow their publication closely there is little mystique on alternative investments and wealth strategies. They make investing fun, easy, educational and best of all they leave you with the peace of mind that the experts are standing closely by watching the cycles and trends and more importantly reporting on those cycles and trends on a timely basis...allowing you to reposition your portfolio in an effective and very timely manner.
The economic tipping point for the United States is no longer theoretical. It is a reality today and sadly most people are not even aware of it. Over the next 3 years we will be witnessing the largest transfer of wealth we have ever seen in history (a 50 Trillion dollar transfer of wealth), and those that follow the "old paradigm" ("traditional investments") will be left in poverty, while those that learn the "secrets of the new paradigm" ("alternative investments") will become the wealthy of the future.
Continue to do your due diligence and education not only in the alternative investments of precious metals but other investment opportunities as well. Together we can and will weather this perfect economic storm.
Jen Gilbert is a former medical sales consultant. When the market crashed in 2008-2009 and like so many other people lost over 50% of her savings, she became a student of wealth strategies, wealth tactics and wealth accumulation. Jen took it upon herself to get the financial education that she could rely on, no matter what was happening with the economy, the market or world trends. Now she educates individuals on how they can do exactly the same...create lasting financial independence so they are less reliant on the vagaries of the government and the economy.
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What are you waiting for? It's only a bit of education. The more you know the better life gets.
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